What is bottle fermentation?

Bottle Fermentation

Craft beer has been around for centuries and has evolved over time. One of the oldest and most traditional methods of making craft beer is bottle fermentation. For those who are looking for more than just a pint, this type of fermentation is the answer! Let’s kick this off with some definitions.

Bottle fermentation is a process used to create naturally carbonated beer. It involves introducing secondary fermentation into the beer after it has been bottled and stored in a cool, dark place. This process produces natural carbonation, which adds flavor and body to the beer. Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple.

How Long Does Bottle Fermentation Take?

Bottle fermentation typically takes about two weeks. During this time, yeast ferments the sugars in the beer and turns them into alcohol, giving the beer its signature flavor. Bottle ferment also adds carbon dioxide, which creates the beer’s bubbly texture.

What Does Bottle Fermentation Do?

Bottle fermentation adds flavor and body to the beer. The amount of carbonation in bottle-fermented beers is generally higher than that of standard, store-bought beers, giving them a unique texture. The process also gives the beer a “conditioned” flavor – a subtle and rounded taste that many beer aficionados rave about.

This fermentation produces carbon dioxide (CO2) while allowing sediments such as proteins and dead yeast cells to settle out of the solution. This sediment adds a creamy head to the top of each bottle as well as providing a pleasant aroma when poured. The CO2 provides a natural carbonation and helps add body to the beer without artificially adding CO2 post-fermentation.

Primary Fermentation vs Secondary Fermentation

Wondering about the difference between primary and secondary fermentation? Primary fermentation is what first happens inside your brewing vessel, with yeast turning sugars into alcohol, usually over 7 – 10 days depending on conditions like temperature etc., while secondary fermentation happens when we bottle or keg our beers, adding yeast at that point for extra complexity or conditioning in order to get more flavor from our final product. It’s interesting to note that with bottle fermentation, the yeast are actually still fermenting in the bottle as well.

So there you have it – bottle fermentation is an amazing process that produces unique beers full of flavor and character. So why not give it a try? With a little patience and knowledge, you could be sipping on your own bottle-fermented beer in no time! If you’re looking for a variety of incredible beer flavors, try St Bernardus, Saison DuPont, and Konig Ludwig Weisse!

Fermenting Ales vs Fermenting Lagers

Ales are fermented at room temperature (15-20°C), so bottle fermentation may be finished as quickly as two weeks if temperatures stay consistent during that period. Lagers can take longer due to their lower fermenting temperatures (10-14°C). The cooler temperatures slow down the primary fermentation process, which ultimately lengthens the amount of time required for secondary maturation and carbonation in bottles or kegs by several weeks, depending on ambient temperatures during storage/ conditioning time.

How To Store Bottle Fermented Beer?

To store bottle fermented beers safely and enjoy them at their best, always keep your bottles in a cool location away from direct sunlight and extreme heat change fluctuations – if possible around 12°C for ales and 8°C for lagers, ensuring they’re securely capped with original caps where possible too! After opening, always reseal tightly before storing them back in your fridge or other cool place – they will last far longer this way than if you left them exposed to air! For an additional layer of quality control, always use a bottle opener when opening your bottles – this will help to ensure no sediment or bacteria gets in and spoils the beer.

How To Drink Bottle Fermented Beer?

Bottle fermented beers are delicious and complex, so savor the flavor and take your time with each sip. Drinking any bottled fermented beer is easy – just pop open one or two bottles per person – pour carefully over a glass without disturbing any sediment found either inside your bottle or top layer of liquid surface – then sit back, relax & enjoy! No need for extra steps such as purging oxygen because no oxygen has been added during this slow maturation process making them ideal ‘ready-to-drink’ additions at parties & BBQ’s!


To recap, bottle-fermented beer is a unique and delicious process that produces beers full of flavor, character, and complexity. If you’re interested in learning more about bottle fermentation or want to try some bottle-fermented beers yourself, check out TSA Wines – a beer distributor in Singapore that offers a wide variety of craft beers at unbeatable wholesale prices!